What is __slots__ in Python?


Every Python class can have instance attributes that can be dynamically added/removed/modified. This increases memory usage and results in slower attributes access. If you need to optimize, you can avoid dynamic attributes creation by defining __slots__. Python will now instantiate a static amount of memory to only contain the specified attributes.

Python classes attributes

In Python every class can have instance attributes. This attributes by default are stored in a dict. This has the advantage of being able to dynamically add attributes to a class, for example you can do:

class Foo():
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 10

f1 = Foo()
f1.b = 20

In this case the attribute b is added dynamically to the class instance f.

If we inspect the attributes of the object by using dir() we can see __dict__, which is the dictionary containing the attributes of the instance.

{'a': 10, 'b': 20}

Note that this cannot be done with built-in classes, for example:

arr = numpy.ones(10)
arr.foo = 10

num = 10
num.foo = 2

one_set = set([12, 13])
one_set.foo = 11

they will all raise an AttributeError exception.

No dynamic attributes

If we define __slots__ with a list of attributes, we will prevent the dynamic creation of attributes for the class. Let’s modify the first class we created:

class Foo():
    __slots__ = ["a"]

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 10

f = Foo()
f.b = 20

Now we get AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute 'b'.

If we inspect the attributes of the object, we will see that there is no __dict__ anymore, but we have __slots__ containing the list of attributes, in this case ["a"].


When using inheritance, if the base class has __slots__ defined, it will pass it down the inheritance tree, so there will be no need to re-define it for the inherited attributes. Note that Python does not complain, but you will be using more memory than expected.

class Base:
    __slots__ = ["a", "b"]

class Foo(Base):
    __slots__ = ["c"]  # Correct: Foo already has ["a", "b"] inherited, thus having ["a", "b", "c"]

class Bar(Base):
    __slots__ = ["a", "b", "c"]  # Wrong: no need to re-define ["a", "b"]

By using getsizeof we can see that:

>>> sys.getsizeof(Foo())
>>> sys.getsizeof(Bar())

Why to use __slots__?

There are two main reasons:

  1. Faster access to attributes

This is the actual reason why __slots__ was introduced. Quoting the History of Python blog

Some people mistakenly assume that the intended purpose of __slots__ is to increase code safety (by restricting the attribute names). In reality, my ultimate goal was performance.

  1. Less used memory

In general the default dict uses a lot of memory, because we cannot just allocate a static amount of memory for the class instance. This can take a toll when we create thousands or millions of objects. By using __slots__ Python will only allocate space for the specified set of attributes.

Further reading

Official Documentation
